Results for 'Reski Putra Utama'

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  1.  23
    The Relationship Between Green Space and Prosocial Behaviour Among Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review.I. Gusti Ngurah Edi Putra, Thomas Astell-Burt, Dylan P. Cliff, Stewart A. Vella, Eme Eseme John & Xiaoqi Feng - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Comparative Critical Perspectives on the Anthropocene: An Introduction.Adeline Johns-Putra & Xianmin Shen - 2023 - Intertexts 27 (2):1-10.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Comparative Critical Perspectives on the AnthropoceneAn IntroductionAdeline Johns-Putra (bio) and Xianmin Shen (bio)Ever since Eugene Stoermer coined the term Anthropocene in the 1980s and Nobel Prize laureate Paul Crutzen identified the present period as the Anthropocene, this ecological and geographical concept has been adopted in other disciplines beyond the realm of science and has taken on particular resonance in the environmental humanities. This is because the advent of (...)
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    Maureen Sullivan, Responses to 101 Questions on Vatican II, Bandra, Mumbai: St. Paul Press 2004, 135 hlm.Ignatius L. Madya Utama - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 11 (2):262-267.
    Pada 11 Oktober 2012 Gereja Katolik merayakan 50 tahun dibukanya Konsili Vatikan II. Namun demikian, 16 dokumen yang dihasilkan selama Konsili itu berlangsung (11 Oktober 1962-7 Desember 1965) belum dikenal oleh semua umat Katolik. Bahkan ada tidak sedikit umat Katolik yang belum pernah melihat dokumen-dokumen tersebut. Ada pula yang mengatakan bahwa kendati sudah membacanya, namun merasakan sangat sulit untuk memahaminya. Ada pula yang ketika melihat buku tebal yang memuat dokumen-dokumen tersebut langsung merasa terintimidasi dan ketakutan (intimadated), lalu tidak berani membukanya. (...)
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    The Role of Parents in Religious Moderation Education in Border Areas: A Case Study at MIS Nurul Yaqin Sijang.Purniadi Putra, Dwi Septiwiharti, Agustan, Rinovian, Kadek Yati Fitria Dewi & Abdul Hafiz - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:831-837.
    Religious moderation education plays a crucial role in shaping the character of children in the Indonesia-Malaysia border region, given the challenges of cultural and religious diversity in the area. This research aims to explore the implementation of religious moderation education in strengthening character during the digital era, with a case study at MIS Nurul Yaqin Sijang. The study employed a qualitative approach with a descriptive case study method. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation, with respondents selected using (...)
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  5. Ki Ageng Suryomentaram dan Kawruh Jiwa.Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra - 2012 - In Afthonul Afif, Matahari dari Mataram: menyelami spiritualitas Jawa rasional Ki Ageng Suryomentaram. Depok: Kepik.
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    Optimization of Joint Economic Lot Size Model for Vendor-Buyer with Exponential Quality Degradation and Transportation by Chimp Optimization Algorithm.Dana Marsetiya Utama, Shanty Kusuma Dewi & Sri Kurnia Dwi Budi Maulana - 2022 - Complexity 2022 (1):9619530.
    Freight transportation plays a critical role in improving company performance in the modern manufacturing industry. To reduce costs, companies must take advantage of the use of large vehicles. It caused fewer deliveries, but inventory costs and degradation quality are high. One of the joint economic lot size problems in supply chain is Integrated Single-Vendor Single-Buyer Inventory Problem. This study developed the I-SVSB-IP model that considers raw materials’ exponential quality degradation and transportation costs. The objective function of this research was to (...)
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    Revival of China and the United States Strategy to Contain at Indo-Pacific Region (From Rebalance to Offshore Balancing).Rizal Darma Putra, Arfin Sudirman, Wawan Budi Darmawan & Yusa Djuyandi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:278-291.
    Chinese foreign policy initiative has turned out to be a negative reaction from the United States of America (USA) and its allies, as it is perceived to contain the agenda for territorial expansion in the sense of an expanding political influence covered by infra structures and trade investment activities. Along with the darkening of a OBOR (one belt, one road) map followed by the interests of China to secure the Silk Road through the presence of its military force. A number (...)
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    Study Mitigation Disaster for Early Childhood in Indonesia: A Systematic Literature Review.Windi Wulandari Iman Utama, Wardani Rahayu & Hapidin - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:705-716.
    Indonesia is highly susceptible to natural disasters, posing significant risks to its population, particularly early childhood. Effective disaster mitigation strategies tailored for young children are crucial to enhance their safety and resilience. This study systematically reviews the literature on disaster mitigation practices and policies for early childhood in Indonesia. This review aims to synthesize the current state of research on disaster mitigation for early childhood in Indonesia, identify gaps in the literature, and provide recommendations for future research and policy development. (...)
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  9.  17
    Understanding Experiential Satisfaction of M-Payment Apps During COVID-19 Pandemic.Ratyuhono Linggarnusantra Putra, Margono Setiawan, Ananda Sabil Hussein & Agung Yuniarinto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Improving logical flow in English-as-a-foreign-language learner essays by reordering sentences.Jan Wira Gotama Putra, Simone Teufel & Takenobu Tokunaga - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 320 (C):103935.
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  11.  21
    Structural Anthropology as a Transcendental Philosophy.Heddy Shri Ahimsa Putra - 2011 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 1 (2):145.
    There are at least three kinds of structure we find in Islamic socio-cultural phenomena. First is the binary oppositional structure, which has two kinds of variations : hierarchical and non-hierarchical. Second is the threefold structure which has three kinds of variations, the hierarchical, the non-hierarchical and the triangle, third is the fivefold structure. Those structures are neither material nor spiritual. They are above the material, the behavioral, as well as the spiritual phenomena, but they are manifested, expressed in material, behavioral (...)
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  12.  11
    Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga: Angin puting beliung bagi hidup berkeluarga.Ignatius L. Madya Utama - forthcoming - Logos:87-106.
    Christians who got married want to have a happy family life. They also want their family life become a sacrament. Yet, their dreams do not always come true. One of the obstacles that prevent their dreams become a reality is domestic violence that takes place in their family life. On the one hand, the ones doing the violence sometimes even justify their behavior by quoting some teachings from the Scriptures and other Church’s documents. Other factor that supports domestic violence is (...)
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  13.  40
    Questioning Scientific Publications: Understanding how Indonesian Scholars Perceive the Obligation to Publish and its Ethical Practices.Yuliana Hanami, Idhamsyah Eka Putra, Muhammad Aldan Relintra & Syauqiyyah Syahlaa - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (4):625-647.
    Considerable demand for academic research and publications is not a new subject of discussion in the academic field. In Indonesia, there is increasing challenge and pressure to conduct scientific publications, making it a very competitive field for academics, particularly for lecturers and postgraduate students. The present study examines Indonesian scholars’ perceptions of academic publishing as a demand from institutions and the government, as well as their understanding of academic misconduct. We conducted a survey with open-ended questions to 55 scholars. The (...)
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  14.  8
    Pabbajja Samanera as a Form of Spiritual Transformation.Sapardi Sapardi, Edi Ramawijaya Putra, Kemanya Karbono & Dika Arya Yasa - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1410-1425.
    This research was conducted through a qualitative case study by comprehensively investigating samanera pabbajja at Borobudur Temple in December 2023. A person who practices to become a samanera aims to see correctly about suffering and at the same time practice to overcome suffering itself. By practicing, a person has the capital to grow and develop social and spiritual transformation for the better. Referring to Van Gennep's Rites of Passage theory, the social transformation system is in three stages that begin when (...)
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  15.  14
    Athletes’ religiosity: How it plays a role in athletes’ anxiety and life satisfaction.Tri S. Guntoro & Miftah F. P. Putra - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):8.
    Many studies related to religious and sports issues have been carried out. However, there are limited studies, especially those related to religiosity, anxiety and life satisfaction. To cope with this situation, this study aims to: (1) assess the religiosity, anxiety and life satisfaction of athletes; (2) determine the role of gender and the type of sport in those constructs and (3) establish the correlations between the constructs. The study involved 244 elite athletes from Papua province of Indonesia, with an average (...)
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  16.  7
    Regulating The Marketing and Supply of Tourist Accommodation Services Through a Healthy and Fair Digital Platform.Ni Made Trisna Dewi, Ida Bagus Wyasa Putra, Ni Nengah Adiyaryani & I. Gusti Ngurah Parikesit Widiatedja - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:673-679.
    This article focuses on analyzing and identifying the characteristics of losses arising from the marketing and supply of digital tourist accommodation services based on the business competition law system in Indonesia and on the formulation of marketing and supply arrangements for digital tourist accommodation services that are healthy and fair for all tourism accommodation service business actors. normative research methods used in this research, with primary legal materials in the form of laws and regulations related to monopolistic practices and unfair (...)
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  17. Examining the demanded healthcare information among family caregivers for catalyzing adaptation in female cancer: Insights from home-based cancer care.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Adrino Mazenda, Made Mahaguna Putra, Abigael Grace Prasetiani, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Adaptation and stress are two main concepts useful for better understanding the phases of illness and health-related human behavior. The two faces of adaptation, adaptation as a process and adaptation as a product, have raised the question of how long the adaptation process will take in cancer trajectories. The care setting transition from clinical-based into home-based cancer care has stressed the role of family caregivers (FCG) in cancer management. This study examines how types of demanded healthcare information affect the FCG’s (...)
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  18.  36
    _Hifz Al-Din (maintaining religion) and Hifz Al-Ummah (developing national integration): Resistance of Muslim youth to non-Muslim leader candidates in election_.Muhammad Syukri Albani Nasution, Syafruddin Syam, Hasan Matsum, Putra Apriadi Siregar & Wulan Dayu - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–9.
    Resistance towards non-Muslim leaders emerged when the case of blasphemy against Islam was brought against Basuki Tjahya Purnama, known as Ahok, as the governor of DKI Jakarta at that time (DKI Jakarta is mostly inhabited by Muslims). The case of blasphemy committed by Ahok has triggered the resistance of Muslims towards non-Muslim candidates for the regional leader election. This study uses a cross-sectional design conducted by interviewing 1121 Muslim youths who participated in regional head elections in North Sumatra. Multivariate analysis (...)
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  19.  20
    Qanun, religious education, religiosity and sexual activity among Muslim youth.Muhibbuthabry Muhibbuthabry, Jailani Jailani, Putra Apriadi Siregar & Evalina Franciska Hutasoit - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):9.
    Muslim youths must shun free sexual behaviours. However, these actions are highly prevalent, especially among the Muslim youth. This study aimed to determine the effect of qanun (local regulations based on Islamic law), religiosity and religious education on the sexual activity of Muslim youth. The study used a case-control design carried out in the province of Aceh, which applies the qanun, and in the province of North Sumatra, which does not apply the qanun. Researchers interviewed 552 Muslim youths using the (...)
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  20.  27
    Worshippers smoking in mosques: Violation of fatwas of ulemas and governor regulation.Watni Marpaung, Muhammad A. Adly, Rustam Rustam, Akmaluddin Syahputra, Putra A. Siregar, Syahrial Arif Hutagalung, Muhammad S. A. Nasution, Fitri Hayati, Rahmad Efendi & Dhiauddin Tanjung - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):9.
    The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has issued an illegitimate fatwa against smoking in mosques because it endangers the health of worshippers and interferes with the comfort of worshippers. This study aims to investigate smoking behaviour in mosques and violations of fatwas from ulama and governor regulations. This study follows a cross-sectional design conducted by interviewing 531 Muslims who have prayed in the mosque for the last 14 days and observed the compliance of the mosque in implementing a smoke-free policy in (...)
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  21. Do Counter-Narratives Reduce Support for ISIS? Yes, but Not for Their Target Audience.Jocelyn J. Bélanger, Claudia F. Nisa, Birga M. Schumpe, Tsion Gurmu, Michael J. Williams & Idhamsyah Eka Putra - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  22.  17
    Islamic education, depression, religiosity, and the effects of religion moderation of Muslim students.Watni Marpaung, Noor Azizah & Putra Apriadi Siregar - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):8.
    The need for religious moderation in North Sumatra province arises as a result of burning worship [Vihara and Klenteng], exploding bombs and stabbing attempts at churches during worship. This study examines the effect of Islamic education, depression and religiosity on religious moderation in students at state Islamic universities. This study used a cross-sectional design in North Sumatra province with 1125 Muslim students over a period from February 2023 to May 2023. This study used a closed questionnaire involving Islamic education, depression, (...)
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  23. Exploring the Pathways Between Transformative Group Experiences and Identity Fusion.Christopher M. Kavanagh, Rohan Kapitány, Idhamsyah Eka Putra & Harvey Whitehouse - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    A growing body of evidence suggests that two distinct forms of group alignment are possible: identification and fusion (the former asserts that group and personal identity are distinct, while the latter asserts group and personal identities are functionally equivalent and mutually reinforcing). Among highly fused individuals, group identity taps directly into personal agency and so any attack on the group is perceived as a personal attack and motivates a willingness to fight and possibly even die as a defensive response. As (...)
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    Interpreting Power, Grooming, and Deception in Sexual Violence Cases: A Hermeneutic Study on Legal Challenges in Indonesia.Christina Maya Indah Susilowati & Mardian Putra Frans - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-18.
    Despite ongoing social progress, criminal acts remain unpredictable, and the rise in various offenses has heightened public concern. Criminality forms a cyclical challenge to legal norms, often creating a sense of permanence. Criminal law must adapt as societies evolve, necessitating continuous legal reform and contextual alignment. Sexual violence, particularly prevalent in Indonesia, profoundly impacts families, communities, workplaces, and educational institutions. A high incidence of Online-Based Sexual Violence (OBSV), harassment, and rape disproportionately affects women. The legal ambiguity surrounding the interpretation of (...)
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  25.  17
    Renungan hidup dalam sloka Hindu.Ida Rsi Bhujangga Waisnawa Putra Sara Shri Satya Jyoti & I. Gede Pariadnya (eds.) - 2017 - Denpasar: Pustaka Bali Post.
    Self-discipline, ethics, character, and philosophy in Hindu poetry; criticism to Bhagavad Gita, Nītīśāstra, Sāra-samuccaya, etc.
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  26. Assessing the needs of healthcare information for assisting family caregivers in cancer fear management: A mindsponge-based approach.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Made Mahaguna Putra, Pande Made Arbi Yudamuckti, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Fear of cancer is mostly related to cancer recurrence, metastasis, additional cancer, and diagnostic tests. Its legacy as a lethal disease has raised fear of approaching death. Currently, cancer’s total suffering and the worsening phenomena have raised fear, especially among female patients. Family caregivers (FCGs) who are responsible for the day-to-day cancer care at home need to help the patients deal with this fear frequently. Due to the limited care competencies, they need supportive care from healthcare professionals in cancer fear (...)
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  27.  11
    Digital Versus Print: Unpacking Indonesian University Students' Perceptions of English Language Learning.Zul Astri, Sri Yulianti Ardiningtyas, Syauqiyah Awaliyah Alfiani Nur, Reski Pilu & Andi Haeriati Alimuddin - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1401-1418.
    Due to technological advances, English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students who previously relied on printed books have switched to digital books. Higher education is, therefore, one of the levels of education currently one of the most heavily touched by digital technologies. This study aims to determine Indonesian students' perceptions regarding using digital books in reading classes. 127 students from a private university in Indonesia took part in this research. This type of research was a mixed-method design that used a (...)
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  28.  27
    Membaca urgensi moderasi dalam madīnah al-fāḍilah al-farābi.Nurul Khair, Nuri Barezatul Bilqis, Panji Perdana Putra Priyanto, Sayyida Sayyida & Farid Hamdani - 2022 - Kanz Philosophia a Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 8 (1):75-90.
    This paper is a literature review of Al-Farābi's thoughts on the urgency of the value of moderation in the discourse of sustainable development in Indonesia which is studied through his magnumopus entitled "Madīnah Al-Fāḍilah". By using a descriptive-analytical approach, it is concluded that the value of moderation is the main basis for understanding the role and existence of individuals to actualize a variety of sustainable development through the implementation of the 4 pillars of moderation in Al-Farābi's view, namely unity, deliberation, (...)
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  29.  1
    The Eudaimonist Ethics of al-Farabi and Avicenna by Janne Mattila, Leiden, Brill, 2022, p. 247, €99.00 (hb), ISBN: 978-90-04-50647-3. [REVIEW]Abdy Nur Muhammad, Ulviana & Reski Anggraini - forthcoming - The Journal of Ethics:1-11.
    Janne Mattila’s _The Eudaimonist Ethics of al-Farabi and Avicenna_ offers a systematic exploration of how al-Farabi and Avicenna, two prominent figures in classical Islamic philosophy, developed distinct ethical frameworks grounded in the concept of eudaimonia. This book examines how both thinkers navigated classical Greek influences, especially those of Aristotle and Plato, while integrating Islamic philosophical principles to develop unique ethical systems. The work addresses the relative lack of focused scholarship on these philosophers’ ethical thought, emphasizing that their ethics extend beyond (...)
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  30.  19
    Negeri utama Dan perannya dalam meraih kebahagiaan perspektif al-farabi.Alamsyah Kaharuddin Manu & Zainab Soraya - 2021 - Kanz Philosophia a Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 7 (1):65-86.
    Kebahagiaan adalah tema abadi yang selalu dibicarakan manusia. Banyak filosof yang membicarakan kebahagiaan, dihitung dari zaman Yunani kuno hingga zaman filosof muslim. Al-Farabi, seorang filosof muslim di masa awal, menawarkan pandangan menarik tentang kebahagiaan: Negeri Utama sebagai pondasi meraih kebahagiaan. Kebahagiaan didefinisikan sebagai kebaikan tertinggi yang membuat manusia terlepas dari alam materi dan hidup bersama dengan makhluk non-materi selama-lamanya. Negeri Utama yang diumpamakan dengan sebuah tubuh, memiliki pemimpin yang telah mencapai kesempurnaan manusiawi. Melalui pemimpin itulah, masyarakat Negeri (...) berusaha secara kolektif membangun negerinya demi mencapai kebahagiaan yang hakiki. Tulisan ini meneliti literatur yang ada, demi memberikan sebuah pandangan yang baik tentang kebahagiaan perspektif al-Farabi. Diharapkan, tulisan ini bisa menjadi jendela bagi yang lain dalam meneliti tema ini. (shrink)
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  31.  15
    Konsep Negara Utama Al-Farabi Dan Relevansinya. Sunaryo - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 17 (1):55-78.
    Abstrak: Dalam artikel ini penulis mengeksplorasi gagasan kota utama yang diajukan oleh Abu Nashr al-Farabi (870-950 M), seorang filsuf Muslim di abad ke-10. Gagasan al-Farabi mengenai kota utama banyak penulis ambil dari karya utamanya yang sangat terkenal, Mabdi r Ahl al-Madinah al-Fdhilah yang secara harafiah berarti “Dasar-dasar Pandangan Warga Kota Utama.” Pandangan al-Farabi dalam karya ini banyak dipengaruhi oleh dua filsuf Yunani, yakni Plato dan Aristoteles. Kota utama adalah kota yang warganya mengerti hakikat kebenaran (teoritis) dan (...)
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    Persoalan 14 misteri utama dalam hukum karma tingkat tinggi: suatu memo etika sosial dan etika profesi hukum.A. Ridwan Halim - 1989 - [Jakarta]: Puncak Karma.
    Social and legal ethics on conduct of life in relation with karma in Indonesia.
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    Amr̥tasya putrāḥ: an Advaitic encounter with globalism and postmodernism.Rewati Raman Pandey - 2001 - Varanasi: Kala Prakashan.
    Study on the Daśakumāracarita by Daṇḍin, 7th cent.
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    Beberapa qissah utama.Mohammad Said - 1963 - Bandung,: Almaʻarif.
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  35. Etika psikofarmaseutikal, isu-isu utama.Nur Suraya Adina Suratman - 2014 - In Azrina Sobian, Sains dan nilai. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit IKIM.
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  36. DNA dan kehalalan dalam bidang farmaseutikal, isu-isu utama.Norkumala Awang - 2014 - In Azrina Sobian, Sains dan nilai. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit IKIM.
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  37. DNA dan kehalalan dalam bidang farmaseutikal, isu-isu utama.Norkumala Awang - 2014 - In Azrina Sobian, Sains dan nilai. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit IKIM.
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  38. Pembentukan karakter anak menurut teks cerita rakyat ranggana putra demang balaraja: Kajian pragmatik sastra.Puji Karyanto, Mochtar Lutfi, Bea Anggraini & Ida Nurul Chasanah - 2003 - Krisis 2:7.
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    Mendefinisikan Mistisisme : Sebuah Tinjauan atas Beberapa Definisi Utama.Saeed Zarrabizadeh - 2011 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 1 (1):93.
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    Petuah-petuah leluhur Jawa: mengurai kearifan, cinta kasih, kejujuran, dan laku utama orang Jawa.Sri Wintala Achmad - 2016 - Bantul, Yogyakarta: Araska Publisher.
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    F. Budi Hardiman, Hak-hak asasi manusia: Polemik dengan Agama dan Kebudayaan, Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2011, 157 hlm.Franz Magnis-Susesno - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 11 (1):123-128.
    Buku relatif kecil F. Budi Hardiman, dosen di Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Driyarkarta, di Jakarta, ini merupakan sumbangan penting bagi pustaka berbahasa Indonesia tentang hak-hak asasi manusia. Bahkan, setahu peninjau buku ini, cara penulis mendekati hal hak-hak asasi manusia dalam pustaka berbahasa Jerman dan Inggris pun masih dicari. Kekhasan buku ini adalah bahwa Budi Hardiman membahas hak-hak asasi manusia dengan mendiskusikan enam kontroversi paling utama di sekitarnya, yaitu (1) kritik Hannah Arendt terhadap klaim universalitas hak-hak asasi manusia dari sudut republikanisme; (...)
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    Hakikat Heriditas, Lingkungan, Kebebasan Manusia, Dan Hidayah Tuhan Dalam Pembentukan Kepribadian Manusia.Syaiful Dinata - 2022 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 8 (2):107-130.
    Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui hakikat dari heriditas, lingkungan, kebebasan berkehendak, dan hidayah Tuhan dalam membentuk kepribadian manusia. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode library research, yaitu penelitian menganalisis literatur tertulis berupa buku dan jurnal ilmiah sebagai sumber utama, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hakikat heriditas dan lingkungan dalam pembentukan kepribadian manusia berperan vital, dan juga kebebasan dalam artian, manusia tidak bisa didikte, jika manusia itu didikte maka hal itu sudah dikatakan tidak bebas lagi. Hal yang sama-sama diketahui adalah (...)
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    Veven Sp. Wardhana, Budaya Massa, Agama, dan Wanita, Jakarta: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia, 2013, 228 hlm.Yap Fu Lan - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 12 (2):307-309.
    Budaya massa, dalam pengertian sederhana adalah “karya kreatif yang dimassalkan, yang diproduksi secara masif, yang ditunjang teknologi dan industri tinggi [...] termasuk model pakaian, fashion, film, televisi, musik pop, lifestyle atau gaya hidup” (hlm. xiii-xiv). Agama, atau lebih tepatnya “tafsir atas agama, atau tafsir atas ajaran agama” (hlm. xiv) dapat menjadi tema karya kreatif itu. Contohnya, terutama, sinetron-sinetron religi bernuansa Islami yang sekarang ini semakin banyak tampil pada layar televisi, tanpa menunggu bulan istimewa Ramadhan. Selain itu, agama juga dapat menjadi (...)
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  44.  10
    Hegemoni Kerja Imaterial Sebagai Peluang Resistensi Terhadap Kapitalisme Dalam Perspektif Autonomia.A. Galih Prasetyo - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 12 (2):217-252.
    Abstrak: Kapitalisme kontemporer dicirikan oleh beberapa transformasi makro-struktural, seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Salah satu dari transformasi paling drastis terjadi di dalam aktivitas kerja. Sebagai aktivitas utama yang mendorong akumulasi modal, dunia kerja hari ini ditandai oleh hegemoni kerja imaterial. Artikel ini menyajikan pikiran dan gagasan dari Autonomia, sebuah “aliran pemikiran” kontemporer dari Italia yang merenungkan sifat dan karakter dari jenis kerja “baru” tersebut. Para pemikir Autonomia berargumen bahwa hegemoni kerja imaterial memberikan tantangan dan peluang baru dalam (...)
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    Analisis terhadap anarko-feminisme Emma Goldman.Mukhamad Syarif & Lathifah Sekar Sari - 2022 - Kanz Philosophia a Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 8 (1):91-106.
    Anarchism, almost everyone when they hear the word in general must interpret it as a negative thing. Today anarchy is always interpreted as an act that smells of destructiveness, chaos, irregularity, freedom and even rebellion. Historically anarchy meant as a political theory aimed at creating anarchy or the absence of a master, without a ruling king. This research is library research, which seeks to examine the thinking of Emma Goldman, especially in the idea of Anarcho-feminism. The primary source of the (...)
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  46. ISLAM POLITIK, MISTIK, DAN KAPITALISME (Analisis Filosofis Pemikiran Tan Malaka).Reza Adeputra Tohis - 2024 - Jinsa: Jurnal Interdisiplin Sosiologi Agama 4 (1):13-23.
    Islam politik sejak peristiwa 11 September 2001 telah menjadi trend dalam wacana Islam kontemporer dan menjadi tema utama dalam ruang-ruang diskusi baik formal maupun informal. Tumpukan wacana Islam politik menyebabkan minimnya pemahaman atas historisitas yang panjang dari islamisme. Padahal dalam historisitas tersebut akan terlihat bahwa banyak pemikir-pemikir Muslim, selain Jamaluddin al-Afghani, Muhammad Abduh, Rasyid Ridha dan seterusnya, yang memikirkan tentang Islam politik. Salah satunya adalah Tan Malaka. Artikel ini mengkaji pemikiran Tan Malaka dalam konteks Islam politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan (...)
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  47.  46
    Yohanes Duns Scotus dan Martin Heidegger Tentang “Ada Itu Univok”.Hieronimus Dei Rupa - 2021 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 17 (2):193-218.
    Abstrak: Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah menginterpretasi dan mengafirmasi bahwa Ada (das Sein) dalam “pertanyaan tentang Ada” (die Seinsfrage) dalam pemikiran Heidegger adalah univok sebagaimana konsep Ada itu univok dalam pemikiran Duns Scotus. Oleh karena itu, pertanyaan utama yang menuntun artikel ini adalah, bagaimana dapat ditunjukkan hubungan antara konsep Ada itu univok antara Dun Scotus dan Heidegger? Untuk memahami dengan baik tema ini, kita akan mengulasnya dalam empat bagian. Pertama, kita akan berkonsentrasi pada pengertian konsep ekuivok, analog, univok. Kedua, (...)
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  48.  27
    Filsafat Inteligen.Franz Magnis-Suseno - 2022 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 18 (1):124-125.
    AM Hendropriyono 2021, Filsafat Intelijen. Sebuah Esai ke Arah Landasan Berpikir, Strategi, serta Refleksi Kasus-kasus Aktual, Jakarta: PT Hedropriyono Strategic Consulting. Bagi seorang "filosof emeritus" ("filosof afkiran") seperti penulis buku Hendropriyono menarik karena menjadi kelihatan bagaimana seorang 0tokoh yang profesinya jauh dari filsafat dapat memanfaatkan pendekatan filosofis. Yang dimaksud Hendropriyono dengan "filsafat Intelijens" memang bukan filsafat seperti filsafat moral atau filsafat politik atau filsafat manusia. Melainkan filsafat sebagai cara seorang tokoh inteligens Indonesia menjalankan tugasnya, mengumpulkan pengetahuan tentang ancaman-ancaman tersembunyi yang (...)
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    A. MacIntyre’s Views on Animal Rationality: A Response to the Relativist Challenge.Sherel Jeevan Mendonsa - 2023 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 19 (2):163-180.
    Alasdair MacIntyre is considered one of the most prominent moral philosophers in the contemporary period. Nevertheless, some authors criticize his views on practical rationality as being relativistic. Though there have been authors who have defended MacIntyre through various arguments, none of these authors has referred to one of his later works, namely, Dependent Rational Animals: Why Human Beings Need the Virtues (DRA) for addressing the relativist challenge. The paper aims to fill this lacuna. Thus, the principal question to which the (...)
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  50.  16
    Michel Foucault: Parrhesia (Truth-Telling) Dan Care Of The Self.Konrad Kebung - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 17 (1):1-29.
    Abstrak: Paper ini berbicara mengenai parrhesia, salah satu dari sekian banyak istilah teknis utama dari Michel Foucault. Parrhesia merupakan seminar terakhir yang didiskusikan Foucault di Universitas Calofornia di Berkeley, USA, di bawah judul: ‘Discourse on Truth: The Problemati- zation of Parrhesia.’ Seri seminar ini dan seksualitas sebagaimana didiskusikan dalam History of Sexuality vol. 2 dan 3, berikut semua bahan kuliah dan interviu selama dua tahun terakhir sebelum kematiannya, dilihat sebagai puncak dari tiga jurus berpikir Foucault, terutama dalam hal ini (...)
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